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Microsoft Resolves O365 Charity Licensing Issue for Churches!

Many Christian churches and ministries have been uncomfortable with the Microsoft charity licensing section requiring them to certify they don’t discriminate in their employment practices regarding LGBT issues. On 10/8/2015 Microsoft resolved this and posted the changes to their website! That is great news for many! Here are the details.

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Church & Donor Management Software – ChMS

Solutions from church and donor management software providers keep improving in their ability to help churches and ministries fulfill their mission! Their features to track and communicate with people, their web and mobile device interfaces, and their powerful database tools make this category of software a big help and valuable asset for today’s ministries in reaching many with The Gospel and discipling them.

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GDPR and the Golden Rule

Since GDPR went into effect on May 25, 2018, I’ve been amazed at the number of questions folks are asking about it and the astonishing lack of information there is about it, especially as GDPR relates to churches and ministries.

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IT Security Essentials

Most in church and ministry leadership aren’t familiar with IT security risks and solutions. Here are some that are important, easy to fix, and affordable.

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