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Don’t Go it Alone

Can I ask you a question? Do you want your IT staff to go it alone?  Do you want them learning from others or solving all problems in a vacuum?  By default, many IT folks prefer to go it alone, but that may not always be best, especially in ministry.

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Reasonable & Essential BYOD Policies

BYOD-- Bring Your Own Device-- is an IT wave that is sweeping corporations. IT Directors are understandably uncomfortable about this. Adopting enforceable policies will make the difference, however, in BYOD's success in any organization.
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Largest IT Outage in History

I wanted to provide an update to today’s widely reported internet outages. I hope the first thing we do when outages like this happen is to trust in the Lord. Our Savior is far more powerful than any of our technology and inconveniences like today’s outages are all part of His sovereign plan.

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Church IT – third edition released!

At MBS, advancing the Kingdom includes providing access to church IT and ministry technology resources that everyone can utilize. Regardless of whether you’re a client of MBS, these resources are available to you.

Numerous complimentary resources can be found here on our website at

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AI Policy for Churches and Ministries

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere, and like it or not, everyone is using it. That means those inside and outside of your ministry are probably already using AI. Whether that is good or bad is ultimately a leadership decision every ministry is going to have to make. While the legal system is struggling to keep up,

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Please Protect Your Macs

I know, I know, this can be a controversial topic, but hey, it’s an election year.

Apple fans aside, it is important to objectively look at the security of all devices on your network and with access to your ministry data. Whether BYOD or ministry issued,

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