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Microsoft Resolves O365 Charity Licensing Issue for Churches!

Many Christian churches and ministries have been uncomfortable with the Microsoft charity licensing section requiring them to certify they don't discriminate in their employment practices regarding LGBT issues. On 10/8/2015 Microsoft resolved this and posted the changes to their website! That is great news for many! Here are the details.
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Password Management and LastPass

I’ve been asked a lot of questions about password managers, especially due to the LastPass hack that started in 2022 and was fully disclosed in 2023.  Before getting too far into this, let me be clear that I’m still pro password manager.  Password managers, while not spelled out in the original Greek,

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Hiring Freedom vs Software Platform Policies

© 2021 by Nick B. Nicholaou, all rights reserved
Founder, GreenDot.Press
Reprinted from

The U.S. Supreme Court confirmed that churches and ministries have the right to only hire those who agree with their religious and doctrinal views, but many IT solution providers require churches and ministries to certify that they do not discriminate in their employment or hiring practices as a condition of qualifying for a donation from that provider in the form of a heavily discounted charity license.

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Three Strategies that Protect from Ransomware

© 2021 by Nick B. Nicholaou, all rights reserved
President, Ministry Business Services, Inc.
Reprinted from

Ransomware is a serious threat that costs a lot of unbudgeted dollars to fix. Effective protection is available! Here’s what I recommend.

Understanding the Threat
Ransomware is not like most malware threats that slip into systems under the radar.

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New AntiMalware Recommendation

© 2021 by Nick B. Nicholaou, all rights reserved
Ministry Business Services, Inc. President
Reprinted from MinistryTech

Malware, in all its forms, is a constantly moving and evolving threat. Protection is essential! My firm, MBS, recently changed its spec to a solution called SentinelOne because it appears to be the strongest protection against ransomware and all other forms of malware.

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Church & Donor Management Software – ChMS

Solutions from church and donor management software providers keep improving in their ability to help churches and ministries fulfill their mission! Their features to track and communicate with people, their web and mobile device interfaces, and their powerful database tools make this category of software a big help and valuable asset for today's ministries in reaching many with The Gospel and discipling them.
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