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AI Policy for Churches and Ministries

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere, and like it or not, everyone is using it. That means those inside and outside of your ministry are probably already using AI. Whether that is good or bad is ultimately a leadership decision every ministry is going to have to make. While the legal system is struggling to keep up,

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Yes, Ministries Should Embrace AI

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) has been a significant technological advancement and will continue to revolutionize our lives, with some suggesting AI is to this generation what dial-up internet was to the prior generation.

But with artificial intelligence comes many questions.

Is it safe?

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Water Cooler Conversations while Working Remotely

© 2021 by Nick B. Nicholaou, all rights reserved
Ministry Business Services, Inc. President
Reprinted from

Good team communication is a challenge anytime, but even more so when working remotely. While that topic can address many things, let’s focus on how to have those comfortable and helpful water-cooler-type conversations with team members who work at a different location.

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